董事会遴选博士. Jeffrey P. 纳斯成为新的PCC总理
Students walk between the breezeways at Pima's West Campus

第九条 & 性骚扰


如果你是一个学生, and have been impacted by 性- or gender-based discrimination, 骚扰, 或攻击, 请联系第九条工作人员安排电话, 虚拟, 或亲自预约:

如果你是一名雇员, and have been impacted by 性 or gender-based discrimination, 骚扰, 或攻击, 请联系第九条工作人员安排电话, 虚拟或面对面预约:


第九条 is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of 性 in any program or activity at an educational institution that receives federal funding, 包括皮马人. 根据第九条, 任何学生都不能被排除在外, 剥夺了…的好处, or be subjected to discrimination in any PCC program or activity on the basis of his or her 性 or gender. 

美国.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights administers and enforces 第九条.



皮马社区学院 (the "College") is committed to providing an educational, 工作场所, and public environment free from unlawful discrimination and 骚扰, 包括基于种族的歧视, color, 国家或民族出身, 宗教, 性, 年龄, 残疾或感知残疾, 性取向, 性别认同或表达, 军人或退伍军人身份, or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal or state law. The College does not discriminate on any of the forgoing bases in its educational programs and services, 招聘及雇佣, 或者它提供的任何其他机会和服务. The College likewise does not tolerate unlawful 骚扰, 包括性骚扰和不当性行为, 参加任何大学项目或活动, 关于学院财产, 或在学院拥有或控制的任何设施内使用.

In accordance with 第九条 of the Educational Amendments of 1972 ("第九条"), the College is dedicated to maintaining a safe and non-discriminatory educational environment, free from unlawful 性- or gender-based discrimination and 骚扰 in its educational programs and services, 并及时回应第九条投诉, 中性, 彻底的, 有效的方式.

此外, the College prohibits unlawful retaliation against individuals who report discrimination or 骚扰, 协助他人举报投诉, or otherwise participate in an 调查 into or process regarding the resolution of a complaint of unlawful discrimination or 骚扰, 包括, 但不限于, 第九条投诉, 调查, 和流程.



第九条 is administered through the 第九条 Office, located at PCC's District Office, 4905 E. 百老汇,图森,亚利桑那州.


Director and Deputy 第九条协调员 for Students
第九条, Student Conduct, and Behavior Assessment Team
(520) 206-7120

Program Man年龄r and Deputy 第九条协调员 for Students

Dr. 苏珊娜Desjardin
Vice President of Student Affairs and Deputy 第九条协调员 for Students
(520) 206-3150

电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)


Human Resources 业务 Partner and 第九条雇员事务副协调员


投诉 may be filed with the 第九条 office through

Anonymous complaints can be made via the online form or hotline.  While they are accepted, this type of complaint may affect reporting and resolution.

学生投诉联络员 are available to students at each campus to assist in the reporting process.

PCC takes complaints of 性ual discrimination or 骚扰 very seriously and encour年龄s all students who feel they have experienced discrimination or 骚扰 on the basis of their 性 or gender to reach out to the College for assistance. 然而, students are not required to file a 第九条 complaint with the College before filing a complaint with the U.S. 教育部民权办公室. OCR的联系方式是:

U.S. 部门. 教育-民权办公室


PCC Officials With Authority (OWA’s) must report all allegations of 性ual 骚扰 that they receive to
学院的第九条办公室或校园警察. 并不是所有的报告都是正式的
调查. 但是,必须对所有报告进行审查和处理.


第九条投诉 are addressed through an 调查 process. 投诉 can typically be resolved formally or informally. The 第九条协调员 initiates fact-finding regarding the complaint. Both parties to the complaint are offered an equal opportunity to present information, 确定证人, 有顾问的支持吗, 并提供有关指控的信息.


All members of the 第九条 team (第九条协调员s, 调查人员, 决策者, 和顾问) receive annual training on the following topics:

  1. 第106条对性骚扰的定义.30,
  2. 本会教育计划或活动的范围
  3. Issues of relevance, 包括 how to apply rape shield provisions
  4. the grievance process 包括 hearings, appeals, and informal resolution processes
  5. 如何公正地发球, 包括 by avoiding prejudgment of the facts at issue, 利益冲突, 和偏见

In addition, 第九条协调员s receive training on:

  1. How to use the 第九条 Notice and Communication Templates


  1. 这项技术将用于现场听证会
  2. 问题和证据的相关性问题, 包括 when questions and evidence about the complainant’s 性ual predisposition or prior 性ual behavior are not relevant


  1. Issues of relevance to create an investigative report that fairly summarizes relevant evidence, as set forth in paragraph (b)(5)(vii) of this section
  2. 如何进行公正和中立的调查


  1. The role of a 第九条 Advisor and how they can serve their Advisees

All materials used to train the members of the 第九条 team (第九条协调员s, 调查人员, 决策者, 和顾问)

  1. 不要依赖性别刻板印象, and promote impartial 调查 and adjudications of formal complaints of 性ual 骚扰




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