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董事会 Selects Dr. Jeffrey P. Nasse as New PCC 总理
An outside image of the Pima Logo tower at Pima East Campus

Administrative Procedures

Approved Administrative Procedures are listed below.

1. 董事会
AP 1.01.01 Development of 董事会的政策 and Administrative Procedures
AP 1.01.02 Development and Revision Process for 董事会的政策 and Administrative Procedures
AP 1.01.03 Development and Revision of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
AP 1.05.01 College Standing Committees, Task Forces, and College Governance Bodies
AP 1.05.02 签名权限
AP 1.05.03 政府 Structure and Decision-Making Forums
AP 1.06.01 书院校董会
AP 1.16.01 任务评价
AP 1.16.02 战略规划
AP 1.16.03 Institutional Quality (IQ)
AP 1.17.01 Public 访问 and Expression on College Property
AP 1.18.01 Fundraising Procedure and Gift Policy
AP 1.19.01 Procedures for Naming Opportunities
AP 1.20.01 Reporting of Student Enrollment
AP 1.25.01 Personnel Governance and Policy for College Employees
AP 1.25.02 Employee Representative Groups
AP 1.25.04 Individual Position Review
AP 1.25.05 Disclosure of Conflict of Interest – Pecuniary or Proprietary Interest


2. 总理
AP 2.01.01 Guidelines for Service Animals and other Animals on Campus and in College 项目 and Activities
AP 2.01.02 艾达 & Equal Opportunity, Electronic Information Technology 访问ibility Guidelines
AP 2.02.01 Filling Authorized, Vacant, Regular, 工作人员 and Administrator Positions
AP 2.02.02 教师招聘
AP 2.02.03 Return to Work and Transitional Duty
AP 2.03.01 Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation – Prevention and Complaint Procedures
AP 2.05.01 Use of College 设施
AP 2.05.02 Permissible Service, Consumption, and Educational Use of Alcohol on College Property
AP 2.06.01 Assessment and Development of College 设施
AP 2.06.02 Acquisition of Real Property
AP 2.06.03 设施 Capital Projects
AP 2.11.01 Research Application Review
AP 2.15.01 Records and Information Management
AP 2.18.01 College Compliance Program


3. 星际官方赌钱 and Student Affairs
AP 3.01.01 Qualifying Instructional Personnel to Teach
AP 3.05.01 平等机会 to Credit Classroom Learning
AP 3.10.01 入学s and Registration
AP 3.10.02 Student Success: Academic Fresh Start
AP 3.10.03 Student Identity Verification in Distance Learning
AP 3.10.04 招生
AP 3.11.01 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Educational Records Compliance and Procedures
AP 3.12.01 放置
AP 3.12.02 Developmental Coursework Completion
AP 3.12.03 Developmental Coursework
AP 3.20.01 Assessment of Prior Learning
AP 3.21.01 Transfer Articulation
AP 3.25.01 Advising and Orientation
AP 3.25.02 毕业
AP 3.25.03 College Curriculum Council
AP 3.25.04 Noncredit 星际官方赌钱 and 项目
AP 3.25.05 项目评审
AP 3.25.06 荣誉奖项
AP 3.25.07 Definition of a Credit Hour
AP 3.25.08 Additional 位置
AP 3.25.10 业务 and 行业 Advisory Committee
AP 3.26.01 星际官方赌钱材料
AP 3.30.01 Academic Standing Policy
AP 3.30.02 Learning Communities
AP 3.31.01 学生抱怨
AP 3.31.02 学生守则
AP 3.35.01 通识教育
AP 3.37.01 Contract Training and Services
AP 3.40.01 分级
AP 3.45.01 Recruitment and Retention of Student-Athletes
AP 3.45.02 Athletic Department Compliance
AP 3.45.03 Athletic Department Code of Conduct
AP 3.46.02 Disability Documentation Requirements: Establishment of Eligibility for Services under 艾达/Section 504
AP 3.46.03 Nondiscrimination of Students On the Basis of Disability—Academic Adjustments and Other Accommodations
AP 3.46.06 Complaint Procedure for Students with Disabilities
AP 3.47.01 Development of Practices and Procedures for Student Organizations


4. Finance and 政府
AP 4.01.02 Accounts Receivable Services
AP 4.01.03 合同
AP 4.01.04 奖助金
AP 4.01.05 采购
AP 4.06.01 大学旅游


5. 人力资源
AP 5.10.01 哺乳室
AP 5.10.04 Americans with Disability Act Reasonable Accommodation Guideline for Employees/Applicants
AP 5.15.01 Faculty Emeritus Status
AP 5.15.02 Recognition at 董事会 of Governors Meetings


6. 法律
AP 6.01.01 法律服务
AP 6.05.01 Copyright Practice and Compliance
AP 6.06.01 Intellectual Property Ownership


7. 审计
AP 7.01.01 内部审计 


8. 设施
AP 8.01.01 设施 Operations and Maintenance 项目
AP 8.01.02 设施 Security and 访问 Control
AP 8.01.04 设施 Chargeback Procedures


9. Information Technology
AP 9.01.01 Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources
AP 9.01.02 数据托管
AP 9.01.03 Security of the Information Technology Infrastructure
AP 9.01.04 College-Issued Device Security 
AP 9.01.05 Security Clearance for College Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System
AP 9.01.06 Technology Hardware, Software and Service Specifications
AP 9.01.07 Information Technology-Related Investigation Guidelines
AP 9.01.08 Information Management Standard
AP 9.01.09 Gramm-Leach-Biley Act Information Security Plan
AP 9.01.10 数据保护


10. 对外关系
AP 10.02.01 学院网站
AP 10.02.02 College Web Site Organization
AP 10.02.04 Instructional Web Pages
AP 10.02.05 Student Organization Web Pages
AP 10.02.06 企业内网网页
AP 10.02.07 个人网页
AP 10.02.09 Web服务器


11. Public 健康与安全
AP 11.01.01 Drug- and Alcohol-Free Environment
AP 11.02.01 性暴力
AP 11.02.02 Sex Offender Notification
AP 11.02.03 Mandatory Reporting - Abuse of a Minor or Child
AP 11.02.04 Hazing Prevention and Response
AP 11.03.01 健康与安全
AP 11.03.02 Environmental Management
AP 11.04.01 Prohibition of Smoking and Tobacco Use
AP 11.05.01 Firearms and Other Weapons - Enforcement and Exception
AP 11.06.01 Workplace Violence Prevention - Procedures and Education
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